No Mud No Lotus: The art of transforming suffering | Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who lives in France. He’s a spiritual leader, activist, and writer of many books, including No Mud, No Lotus: The art of transforming suffering. I loved this book; it was beautifully written … Continue reading

Favourite recipes of February 2018

I occasionally see a naturopath because I have persistent and annoying digestive issues that I want to address but don’t need to be medicated for. I’m sure that changing things in my life will do the trick and a naturopath … Continue reading

Gut by Guilia Enders

You are what you eat. Or at least your insides… and your outsides… are influenced. You should probably read Gut and find out for yourself. Our overall gut health really is super underrated from everything I learned in the course … Continue reading

Slow Cooker Harvest Beef Stew

Soup or stew in the winter is always a good idea. There is nothing better than having a good stew full of meat and veggies and hot goodness on a cold day. Plus, most soups and stews freeze really well … Continue reading

Fish tacos and guacamole with Shay Mitchell   

I really want to eat more fish but I am unfortunately slightly limited in the various ways that I know how to cook and serve fish. I have a few variations on fish fillets, which are often paired with salad … Continue reading

Slow Cooker Chipotle Chicken Chilli

Recipe selected: Slow Cooker Chipotle Chicken Chilli, found on   People love their slow cookers; apparently it makes cooking way more efficient (skips having to stand over a hot stove, that’s for sure), and it’s a fantastic way to make … Continue reading