6 lessons from Harry Potter 

Fantastic Beasts (and Where to Find Them) is out in theatres! It was awesome and there were so many things that I liked about it. For those of you who do not know what Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them … Continue reading

Friends of the Apparating Library 2016

The Harry Potter Alliance and the community I am a part of by volunteering with this most wonderful organization never ceases to amaze me. Friends of the Apparating Library 2016 is an Indiegogo-hosted fundraiser that will allow The Harry Potter Alliance to … Continue reading

Reasons to love GLA

Granger Leadership Academy Its a week post-GLA now and I think that it is due time that I reflect a little on it. The Granger Leadership Academy is a leadership conference hosted by the Harry Potter Alliance. This year it … Continue reading

Odds In Our Favor

This year, Odds In Our Favor is reclaiming the narratives of socioeconomic, racial, sexual and gendered inequalities. Based on the themes of the Hunger Games, Odds In Our Favor provides fans with a forum to tell their stories and push … Continue reading

FANGIRL by RAINBOW ROWELL – with Friends of the Apparating Library book group discussion responses

Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell, is a book about an 18-year-old girl named Cather who’s struggling with all of the changes in her life, including how her mom abandoning her family when she was 8, she is now learning to how … Continue reading

Fandom and activism – Rethinking Harry Potter in real life

I was an executive for the Harry Potter Alliance, a non-profit with chapters across Canada, the USA and internationally. The organization combines Harry Potter fandom with social activism and includes mottos such as “the weapon we have is love” and … Continue reading

Very Good Lives by J.K. Rowling; The way that JK Rowling gave us amazing advice

J.K. Rowling is such an inspiration for me. I jumped on the chance to read Very Good Lives, a commencement speech that Rowling gave at Harvard in 2008. It is beautifully illustrated and so inspiring. Her words of wisdom are touching … Continue reading

The Magic of Harry Potter – or “Books Turn Muggles Into Wizards”

For myself, Harry Potter did not end when I read the last book or watched the last movie. Years later, I still live out Harry Potter in my own life. For the most part, I take Harry Potter way more … Continue reading

Volunteering for the Harry Potter Alliance at university

The Harry Potter Alliance is an organization that is based around the Harry Potter books and messages in the theories, such as the power of love and friendship. Harry Potter tackles things such as slavery (house elves are slaves), loss … Continue reading

What is the Harry Potter Alliance?

I was the PR executive for the Harry Potter Alliance while I was in university. I absolutely loved the experience for a number of reasons. Harry Potter was involved. Social justice was involved. Public relations was involved. Becoming involved with … Continue reading