Fandom and activism – Rethinking Harry Potter in real life

I was an executive for the Harry Potter Alliance, a non-profit with chapters across Canada, the USA and internationally. The organization combines Harry Potter fandom with social activism and includes mottos such as “the weapon we have is love” and … Continue reading

Pillars of Eternity

Platforms: Mac, Linux, Microsoft  Developer: Obsidian Entertainment Publisher: Obsidian Entertainment, Paradox Interactive Designer: Josh Sawyer Just a little disclaimer, I have yet to pay Pillars of Eternity, but I heard about how awesome it is and did some reading to decide if I … Continue reading

Volunteering for the Harry Potter Alliance at university

The Harry Potter Alliance is an organization that is based around the Harry Potter books and messages in the theories, such as the power of love and friendship. Harry Potter tackles things such as slavery (house elves are slaves), loss … Continue reading

What is the Harry Potter Alliance?

I was the PR executive for the Harry Potter Alliance while I was in university. I absolutely loved the experience for a number of reasons. Harry Potter was involved. Social justice was involved. Public relations was involved. Becoming involved with … Continue reading

A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin

Bear with me for a second… So I love Game of Thrones. The series is all blood, gore, violence, sex, intrigue, drama and tons of complicated relationships. It’s one of those series where you can’t predict what will happen. I … Continue reading

The Three Dragons Theory; Parents in the Game of Thrones

SPOILERS – don’t read this if you are behind on the Game of Thrones. * Bare in mind that neither of the theories about Tyrion’s or Jon’s parentage are my own original ideas, they are theories that have been floating around … Continue reading

Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowel

Shades of Milk and Honey is a fascinating book fully of magic and set in the Regency era of England. The novel was written by Mary Robinette Kowel and came recommended by either John or Hank on the VlogBrothers. When … Continue reading

Outlander from bestselling book to TV show

With its breathtaking love story and unique take on time travel, the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon has been an fabulously popular series ranking high on bestselling lists such as the NY Times for years. The first book, Outlander, was … Continue reading